This ARCA rail attaches to the forend of the Phoenix 2 stock only. Assembly is easy, just remove the MLOK rails from the stocks forend and drop the ARCA rail into the existing slots and bolt it down with the screws provided.
Will this rail work with mdt or 419 bipod clamps
You mean like this? If so, yes. This arca rail will work with any bipod clamps meant for an arca rail.
What exactly is R-lock and does it require a special bipod arca clamp or will an area 419 clamp work
Its just a pin that some clamps are now using that helps lock the rail into place.
How much torque do you recommend for these screws?
We don't have a torque spec, just snug and a 1/4 turn past that.
Will the R lock work with the Ultradyne Dynalock head
Good question, by the looks of it yes i think so but for some reason if it doesn't, you won't engage the dynalock embosses.
I’m ordering for a Tikka action on Gen 1 Phoenix. I run it with long action bolt stop. Which rail version will fit my stock (long or short action)?
You would want the long action version.
When will this be back in stock for the ridgeback short action? Need one!!!!!
Yes it will, hopefully within the next 3-4 weeks.
Will the gen 2 Phoenix rail, which says it doesn’t extend past the forend, fit a gen 1 Phoenix? I have a gen 1 Phoenix and would prefer it not stick out past the end of the forend. Thanks for any help!!
Unfortunately it will not.
Does this fit the Phoenix II
it does not, we will have full length arca rails that fit the Phx 2 in 1-2 months.
Does the Phoenix short action model fit the Tikka short action variant?
For a Phoenix inlet for a Tikka T3 you would want the long length rail.
Will more rails for the Rodgebscl be available soon?
Should have more of these arca rails in inventory by middle of December.
What's the weight of each type?