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By The Ryan McMillan Show 

 On the night of July 3rd, 2022, Raul Mendez and his family headed out for a celebration — the kind of gathering many American families enjoy over the holiday weekend. Friends, food, fireworks, and laughter filled the air. But by the end of the night, that ordinary celebration would become a nightmare, one that would leave three people dead and test every ounce of courage, instinct, and resolve Raul possessed. This is the story of a man who was shot in the head, left for dead, and still found the will to fight back — saving his family and everyone else in the house. It’s a story of heroism, survival, and the undeniable value of the Second Amendment. 

 A NIGHT LIKE ANY OTHER — UNTIL IT WASN’T Raul, his pregnant wife, and their two daughters joined friends for a backyard BBQ and fireworks show. A neighbor, someone nobody knew particularly well, drifted into the party. At first, he made small talk, blending in quietly. But minutes later, he drew a firearm and began executing guests at point-blank range. One of Raul’s closest friends was shot in the throat. Chaos erupted. Guests scrambled for the doors. Raul, hearing the shots, turned — only to take a bullet directly to the head. The round entered through his right ear and exited through his left eye, instantly blinding him on one side and leaving him slumped on the floor, presumed dead. His wife, witnessing the carnage, could only think of their daughters. She rushed to find them, barricading herself and the children in a bedroom closet — the ultimate act of a mother’s instinct to protect. 

 COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD Miraculously, Raul woke up minutes later, disoriented, bleeding heavily, and blind on one side. Despite the physical trauma, his mind switched into autopilot. He could hear the screams of women and children. He had a choice: escape through the nearby back door — or run toward the danger to find and protect his family. For Raul, there was no choice. Fight over flight. Despite being critically wounded, he drew his concealed carry firearm — a weapon he had carried religiously for years — and engaged the shooter. Four precise rounds struck the attacker in the chest, two piercing his heart. The threat was neutralized. Raul, shot in the head and bleeding out, saved every single surviving person in that house. 

 A FATHER’S DUTY — A MAN’S PURPOSE In the aftermath, Raul was rushed to the hospital, where doctors marveled at his survival. A millimeter in any direction would have been fatal. They warned his wife to prepare for the worst — that he would be permanently disfigured, blind, or disabled. But within hours of waking up from surgery, Raul was walking the hospital halls, defying every prognosis. His quick recovery wasn’t luck. It was sheer willpower — the same unbreakable resolve that made him run toward gunfire to protect his wife and daughters. “If I die, my life means nothing without my girls,” Raul said. “That’s a man’s purpose — to protect his family at all costs.” THE TRUTH ABOUT CARRYING A FIREARM Raul’s story should have been national news. But it wasn’t. Why? Because he’s living proof of why the Second Amendment matters. A lawful concealed carrier stopping a mass shooting doesn’t fit the mainstream media’s narrative. Had Raul died, the headlines would have read: "Another mass shooting — a reason to ban guns." But because Raul fought back and won, his story was buried. It was only after the NRA heard about him through a family member that Raul’s story started to gain traction. From there, he appeared on Fox News, with Colion Noir, and several podcasts. His message is simple but powerful: "A good guy with a gun saves lives. I’m living proof." 

 THE COWARDICE THAT FOLLOWED The tragic shooting didn’t just reveal a mass murderer — it also exposed the character of some of the men at the party. Several fled the house, leaving their wives and children behind. One even ran past Raul’s wife as her husband lay bleeding out. These same men, confronted with Raul’s heroism and public retelling of events, cut ties with him — unable to face the truth of their own cowardice. In contrast, Raul’s pregnant wife stood her ground, shielding their daughters and fighting for survival alongside him. Together, they proved what real courage looks like. 

 FAITH, FATE, AND FAMILY Raul believes divine intervention played a role that night — but faith alone doesn’t stop a killer. Raul’s commitment to training, preparation, and always carrying with a round in the chamber made the difference between life and death. “I knew I carried one in the chamber. All I had to do was draw, aim, and squeeze. No hesitation, no fumbling, no doubt.” That level of readiness comes from years of training and an unshakable belief that protecting your family is your ultimate duty. 

 WHY THIS STORY MATTERS Raul’s story is more than just a chilling tale of survival. It’s a reminder: Evil exists. Help won’t always arrive in time. You are your family’s first and best defense. It’s also a cautionary tale about how far the anti-gun media and political establishment will go to silence voices like Raul’s. His story didn’t fit the narrative — so they buried it. That’s why podcasts like this one, and platforms that allow honest, unfiltered conversations, are so important. Raul’s story should inspire every responsible citizen to train, prepare, and never surrender your right to self-defense. 

 THE BULLET THAT SAVED A FAMILY Today, Raul proudly wears a prosthetic eye — a custom-made piece embedded with the casing from one of the .45 rounds that ended the shooter’s rampage. It’s more than a reminder of that night. It’s a symbol of why the Second Amendment matters. Raul didn’t just save his family. He saved the lives of every person in that house — proving that courage, preparation, and a firearm can stop pure evil. Follow Raul’s story and his continued advocacy for the Second Amendment. Because when evil comes knocking, only courage and a well-prepared protector stand between your family and tragedy. Interested in hearing the full interview? Listen to The Ryan McMillan Show for the complete conversation with Raul Mendez — a true American hero.

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